Refunds Policy

You may request a refund anytime and receive 100% of your payment minus a proportionate amount corresponding to the time you have been using our service.

How do we calculate refunds?

It will depend on the amount you pre-paid, as follows: We publish detailed information on our pricing (based on the type of edition and time being pre-paid) in our homepage. As you can see there, when you pay just for one month you receive no discount. However, when paying in advance, you get greater discounts the longer period of time you pre-pay. For instance, when you pre-pay for 3 months you get a 5% discount; for 6 months you get a 10% discount, and so on. Consequently, if you request a refund, we will calculate how much it would have cost you our service for the time you have been using it. To do so, we will maximize the use of discounts in a way that benefits you, as if you would have pre-paid for the maximum period of time you have been using our service. The difference between this calculation and how much you actually pre-paid will equal to the amount of your refund.

A few examples

1- You pre-paid for one year and only used our service for eight months

We will assume that you pre-paid for 6 months (taking advantage of a 10% discount) and that the two remaining months were paid on a monthly basis (without a discount). The sum of these three amounts will be the total cost to you for the time you have been using our service. The difference between what you pre-paid for a whole year and such amount will be your refund.

2- You pre-paid for one year and only used our service for ten months

We will assume that you pre-paid 9 months (taking advantage of a 15% discount) and that the remaining month was paid on a monthly basis (without a discount). The sum of these two amounts will be the total cost to you for the time you have been using our service. The difference between what you pre-paid for a whole year and such amount will be your refund.

3- You pre-paid for two years and only used our service for one year and four months

We will assume that you pre-paid for a year (taking advantage of a 20% discount) and for the following three months (with a 5% discount), but the remaining month was paid on a monthly basis (without a discount). The sum of these three amounts will be the total cost to you for the time you have been using our service. The difference between what you pre-paid for the two years and such amount will be your refund.

4- You pre-paid for one month and used our service for ten days

Given that we provide no discounts for the monthly plan, we will just prorate the amount paid to estimate a daily fee then multiply it by the number of days you used our service. The difference between what you paid for the month and the prorated amount will be your refund.