Versioning system: FAQ and Changelog


When is a new version released?

A new version is released whenever we implement a change that would otherwise impact our users of the most current one -for instance, when a field name is changed or a new parameter is required.
A new version may not be needed when certain improvements are made such as when a new field is created. In this case, a new field would appear in the current version and its availability would be timely communicated to users.

I am a new user. Which version should I use?

Without any hesitation, you should use the latest version available. There is absolutely no reason to consider using an older version.

I am currently using an old version. Will it be discontinued at some point in time?

No. All versions will be kept at all times. Having said so, we strongly suggest evaluating the more current versions released as they may include a new feature that could be of value/interest to you.

I am currently using an old version. Would I have to make any additional payment in order to upgrade to a more recent version?

No. You are free to upgrade to a different version at any time and without even letting us know.

I am currently using an old version. Is it advantageous to use a more recent version?

Please review our changelog to become familiar with the changes introduced in each version and evaluate how convenient it would be for you to upgrade.

Can I use more than one version simultaneously?

Yes, you can do so even from the same license.


Version Release Date Changes
1.0 January 3rd, 2009 (First version)
1.1 May 20th, 2009 Prior to this release, we only offered two types of editions for our service: Basic and Professional. Version 1.1 introduces an intermediate edition called "Standard" to provide a wider range of options to choose from. As a result of this change, the number of fields included in the Basic edition is being pared down and the Standard edition launched with a number of fields ranging in between the Basic and Professional editions.
1.2 February 18th, 2010 We begin offering the alternative of running our geolocation service by using the online visitor's host name in addition to its IP address. Because of this, a new URL with end point "/locatehostname" has been created as well as a few new status codes and two new output fields: "host_name" and "resolved_ip_address".
1.3 March 25th, 2010 Previously, the free trial option established a usage limit of a few thousand queries per month. It now allows to make the same much greater number of queries as any of our pre-paid licenses so that our service can be experienced by our users the same way as it would, should they decide to purchase a license. For this reason the query status code "NO_CREDIT_LEFT_IN_FREE_TRIAL" has been retired as it is no longer needed -i.e. even if a rate or quota is exceeded, the geolocation service continues while we contact our user via email to notify him/her about the event.
1.4 November 1st, 2011 The field "continent" is retired and is replaced by the fields "continent_code" (containing a standard two-letter code for the continent) and "continent_name" (containing the continent name).
1.5 March 16th, 2012 The field "query_status", which contained the status code, is retired and is replaced by the fields "query_status_code" (containing the status code) and "query_status_description" (containing the status code description).
1.6 July 11th, 2012 The field "country_code", which contained the FIPS 10-4 code, is retired and is replaced by the fields "country_code_iso3166alpha2", "country_code_iso3166alpha3", "country_code_iso3166numeric" and "country_code_fips10-4".
1.7 August 19th, 2013 Now we are introducing the possibility of obtaining a response in the JSON format. For this, we have created a new mandatory parameter named "format" that will specify the desired format (XML or JSON). Additionally, now we also support JSON with Padding (JSONP), which allows callers to insert a dynamic script element and requires a user-specified function name. If you have specified the format as JSON, you can request that our service return the JSON data wrapped in a specified function name. To do so, use "callback={your JavaScript function name}". Furthermore, we are also introducing the parameter "compact" which allows to compact the response, withdrawing indentations, spacings and line breaks.
1.8 November 3rd, 2014 We introduce a new possible value for the "query_status_code" field: "GEOLOCATION_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE". This new query status code is returned when it is not possible for our algorithms to geolocate the IP address. Prior to version 1.8, our service used to return a response with "query_status_code" = "OK" and hyphens in the geolocation data fields.